Joining Taburit is simple. Registration takes place over the telephone, and then a cord blood collection kit is sent to your home. A variety of special gift vouchers are also included with the kit.
You may join the service at any stage of pregnancy, even at the last minute prior to delivery.
Taburit is at your service at telephone number: | 1-700-500-117 |
What's at the center? | Taburit's customer service representatives are at your service 24 hours a day, every day of the year. All our customer service representatives have extensive knowledge of cord blood, and they will be happy to provide information on the importance of cord blood preservation and to answer any of your questions. |
Taburit is at your service by email | Fill out the contact form |
What's by email? | Using the "contact" form, you can ask us to call you, to send you additional information by email, and to request an appointment with one of our representatives at your home - with no obligation at all. |
Our offices
55 Haneviim st. (Hazan Center), Ramat-Hasharon.
Mailing Address:
Mailbox 1939 Ramat-Hasharon Zip code: 47100.
Fax Number: 972-354-00722