About Taburit
Taburit is one of Israel's first and leading companies in the field of collection and preservation of umbilical cord blood.
The use of cord blood to treat diseases is now one of the most promising medical fields. Cord blood is rich in high quality stem cells, which are used as part of the therapeutic regimen in more than 70 different diseases, most of them malignant. One of the most common and well-known uses of cord blood stem cells is in cases requiring bone marrow transplants. Thus, thousands of cord blood stem cell transplantations are performed daily worldwide, saving lives of both children and adults.
Taburit began its activity in 2004, taking care to ensure a combination of advanced academic research, technological development, innovation, social responsibility and transparency, all of which are reflected in responsible and advanced service being provided to the customers.
Amnon Pelz, an entrepreneur, a businessman, and one of the senior insurance specialists in Israel, initiated the founding of Taburit, and currently serves as the Chairman and CEO of Taburit. Together with Dr. Arie (Yoki) Giniger, an internationally renowned expert in the field of regulation, owner of the Taya Investment Company, and working in close collaboration with a team of senior scientists and with people experienced in the world of medicine, along with international investors, he founded Taburit, which is now Israel's leading company in the field, serving thousands of customers.
Amnon began planning the foundation of the Israeli cord blood bank, which evolved into Taburit, 10 years ago. This occurred during his collaboration with Gamida Cell, a company specializing in this field. In the course of this work, Amnon met two leading Israeli stem cell experts: Dr. Avi Treves, a world’s leading scientist in the development of stem cell applications, and Prof. Arnon Nagler, Director of Hematology at Sheba, a physician of international renown in the field of stem cell transplantation in general, and cord blood transplantation in particular.
Prof. Nagler had founded the public cord blood bank at Sheba Medical Center. This is the only non-US blood bank to receive international accreditation by the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP), the premier organization in the world responsible for unrelated donor transplantations. Stem cells from Sheba’s cord blood bank have already been used for successful transplantations in patients with malignant or hereditary diseases.
The idea guiding the company’s founders was to establish a private cord blood bank providing high quality professional services and a comprehensive insurance package. Amnon’s and his partners' intentions were to turn umbilical cord blood into an off-the-shelf product immediately available for bone marrow transplantation in case of a malignant disease, as well as for the treatment of other diseases.
Taburit won the tender issued by Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, and became the exclusive marketing arm of Sheba's cord blood bank. At the same time, Taburit had also joined forces with the Clal Insurance Group to create a unique attractive insurance package, which guarantees full insurance coverage for Taburit’s customers in any case where the use of cord blood is required. This insurance, which is an integral part of Taburit's service, is a unique development being exported to international markets.
The tidings brought by Taburit to the world of medicine – the combination of biological insurance with financial insurance, providing very extensive coverage of the costs associated with the use of the blood unit itself and the entire medical procedure related to future transplantation, along with exceptionally high professional standards and the most advanced customer service of its kind – turned Taburit into a leading company in its field of expertise.
In order to ensure the maintenance of the highest medical standards, and to search for breakthroughs in the field of medical research into stem cells and cord blood, a scientific advisory board was founded for Taburit, which is composed of top physician specialists and academics in the fields of obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, hereditary disorders and genetics, ethics, Halacha, and more.
In 2005, Taburit announced the acquisition of one of its competitors, Medicell of the Meier Eisakson Israel Ltd. group. At present, the company is developing new growth engines, including the development and utilization of stem cells for adults. This channel is expected to become a powerful growth engine for the company’s future development.
Having established its position as the leading and highest quality company in Israel in the field of cord blood collection and preservation, Taburit began marketing its services overseas as well. The company leverages the patented knowledge accumulated in Israel to establish cord blood banks around the world, to facilitate preservation of adult peripheral blood stem cells, and to develop insurance products covering stem cells and cord blood banks worldwide, along with comprehensive counseling in this field.
The medical community views the use of stem cells from umbilical blood as a central feature of future medicine, and Taburit is doing its best to enable its customers in Israel and around the world to have a peaceful and healthy future.
Taburit is one of Israel's first and leading companies in the field of collection and preservation of umbilical cord blood.
The use of cord blood to treat diseases is now one of the most promising medical fields. Cord blood is rich in high quality stem cells, which are used as part of the therapeutic regimen in more than 70 different diseases, most of them malignant. One of the most common and well-known uses of cord blood stem cells is in cases requiring bone marrow transplants. Thus, thousands of cord blood stem cell transplantations are performed daily worldwide, saving lives of both children and adults.
Taburit began its activity in 2004, taking care to ensure a combination of advanced academic research, technological development, innovation, social responsibility and transparency, all of which are reflected in responsible and advanced service being provided to the customers.
Amnon Pelz, an entrepreneur, a businessman, and one of the senior insurance specialists in Israel, initiated the founding of Taburit, and currently serves as the Chairman and CEO of Taburit. Together with Dr. Arie (Yoki) Giniger, an internationally renowned expert in the field of regulation, owner of the Taya Investment Company, and working in close collaboration with a team of senior scientists and with people experienced in the world of medicine, along with international investors, he founded Taburit, which is now Israel's leading company in the field, serving thousands of customers.
Amnon began planning the foundation of the Israeli cord blood bank, which evolved into Taburit, 10 years ago. This occurred during his collaboration with Gamida Cell, a company specializing in this field. In the course of this work, Amnon met two leading Israeli stem cell experts: Dr. Avi Treves, a world’s leading scientist in the development of stem cell applications, and Prof. Arnon Nagler, Director of Hematology at Sheba, a physician of international renown in the field of stem cell transplantation in general, and cord blood transplantation in particular.
Prof. Nagler had founded the public cord blood bank at Sheba Medical Center. This is the only non-US blood bank to receive international accreditation by the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP), the premier organization in the world responsible for unrelated donor transplantations. Stem cells from Sheba’s cord blood bank have already been used for successful transplantations in patients with malignant or hereditary diseases.
The idea guiding the company’s founders was to establish a private cord blood bank providing high quality professional services and a comprehensive insurance package. Amnon’s and his partners' intentions were to turn umbilical cord blood into an off-the-shelf product immediately available for bone marrow transplantation in case of a malignant disease, as well as for the treatment of other diseases.
Taburit won the tender issued by Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, and became the exclusive marketing arm of Sheba's cord blood bank. At the same time, Taburit had also joined forces with the Clal Insurance Group to create a unique attractive insurance package, which guarantees full insurance coverage for Taburit’s customers in any case where the use of cord blood is required. This insurance, which is an integral part of Taburit's service, is a unique development being exported to international markets.
The tidings brought by Taburit to the world of medicine – the combination of biological insurance with financial insurance, providing very extensive coverage of the costs associated with the use of the blood unit itself and the entire medical procedure related to future transplantation, along with exceptionally high professional standards and the most advanced customer service of its kind – turned Taburit into a leading company in its field of expertise.
In order to ensure the maintenance of the highest medical standards, and to search for breakthroughs in the field of medical research into stem cells and cord blood, a scientific advisory board was founded for Taburit, which is composed of top physician specialists and academics in the fields of obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, hereditary disorders and genetics, ethics, Halacha, and more.
In 2005, Taburit announced the acquisition of one of its competitors, Medicell of the Meier Eisakson Israel Ltd. group. At present, the company is developing new growth engines, including the development and utilization of stem cells for adults. This channel is expected to become a powerful growth engine for the company’s future development.
Having established its position as the leading and highest quality company in Israel in the field of cord blood collection and preservation, Taburit began marketing its services overseas as well. The company leverages the patented knowledge accumulated in Israel to establish cord blood banks around the world, to facilitate preservation of adult peripheral blood stem cells, and to develop insurance products covering stem cells and cord blood banks worldwide, along with comprehensive counseling in this field.
The medical community views the use of stem cells from umbilical blood as a central feature of future medicine, and Taburit is doing its best to enable its customers in Israel and around the world to have a peaceful and healthy future.
